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Welcome to Cotford St Luke Primary School

Appreciate, Believe, Challenge.

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Pine Class


Class Teacher: Miss Knight

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pike (HLTA) and Mr Mellor (1:1 support) 


Welcome to all parents, carers and children joining Pine Class this year!  We are a happy and hardworking class of Year 1 children who love to learn, collaborate, and develop our independent skills through fun and engaging activities.  The teaching team work hard to challenge and creatively inspire us to believe we can achieve and be the best we can be- always with a sense of fun and purpose! 

During each term of the year, we work in lots of different ways to develop our knowledge and skills across all the subjects within the curriculum.  We will develop our understanding of classroom rules and expectations as well as actively support our school visions (appreciate- believe- challenge) and values (ready- respectful- safe).

We will be reading lots of books in Pine including fiction and non-fiction stories, as well as poems and animations set in a range of settings.  Each term we also focus on an author reading and exploring lots of stories that they have written as a class.  We also have weekly reading swaps with older children in the school.  In these sessions we share our reading skills and listen to a more experienced reader tell us a story.  We will also be using our updated library much more this year and will have an opportunity to bring a library book home each week to share and enjoy with our parents.

In our Maths sessions, we will use the White Rose Maths programmes of learning to support and enhance the development of Maths Mastery skills.  In Science, we will do lots of active explorations and investigations!  In Geography we will use traditional and digital resources to support our understanding whilst in History we will explore and investigate many different periods in time both locally and nationally.  We'll also be doing lots and lots of art and DT projects across the year too!  Throughout our learning a growth mindset is encouraged and the teaching team work hard to provide us with the tools to achieve success in our learning and development not only within the National Curriculum but also personally, socially and emotionally. 



We love to have fun in Pine Class so please pack some spare clothes in case we get a little mucky throughout the day and remember to bring plenty of water to drink.




Our school day begins from 8.40-8.50am and ends at 3.20pm.  The drop off point in the mornings is through the classroom door at the rear of the school building.  Please let your child enter the classroom on their own so that they can continue to build their independence.  The collection point at the end of the day will be on the top play ground near the stairs. Please inform the school office in the first instance if there is a change to collection at the end of the day or provide advance notice the day before via class dojo.

CLASS DOJO: Regular updates are posted on our class dojo page - we aim to share information and pictures from the learning activities we have achieved during our day so do please do get connected and check your child's class page if you can.  Parents and carers are encouraged to contact Miss Knight via class dojo should they require advice or an opportunity to discuss their child. 


This year we are continuing with our Monster Phonics learning!

click on the link below for more information  

Monster Phonics  

Now we are in Year 1 we know the Monsters well and can use them to help us with both our reading and our writing! We are looking forward to continuing with this programme. Reading books will be sent out with your child on a Friday and we ask that you bring them back in to us on a Thursday so we can change them ready for you! We are looking for your children to read their book at least 3 times across the week. Over these 3 times you should see your child grow in confidence and fluidity. We will also read with your children in class and aim to listen to everyone at least once a week!

Click on the link below for further information on the Monster Phonics reading programme and take a look at the helpful guide to reading at home with your child.


Parent guide for Monster Phonics Reading Books



At the end of Year 1, usually in June, all the children will complete a Phonics test. 




The children will be required to read a range of real and alien (made up) words to assess their phonic knowledge and reading skills.  Throughout the year the teaching team will be preparing the children to take this test so that they see it as a fun and engaging activity to complete. 

Click on the link below to have a look at an example Phonics test. 

Phonics Example Test




please click on the link below for more information on our English content.  You will also find information on the words the children will be learning to read and spell below.






Digital Learning and Safety

We use technology a great deal at school.  Children will have access to a range of apps such as Mathletics and educational learning games and they are taught to use all digital tools responsibly and safely.



The teaching team look forward to developing positive happy relationships with all parents and carers joining Pine Class this year.
