Through the organisation, planning and delivery of our curriculum, we aim to:
- Maximise the potential of all learners through a broad, balanced & inclusive curriculum
- Provide a curriculum which meets the needs of individual pupils through provision of effective continuity and progression and monitoring and assessment procedures
- Enable learners to make positive, well-informed decisions in order to prepare them for all aspects of their lives
- Contribute to the individual learner’s understanding of themselves, their community and the constantly changing world
- Enable all styles of learning and learners to be successful and feel valued and confident
- Help all learners to understand that they will always have more to learn, that they can always learn from others and that others can learn from them.
The Curriculum in Our School
The role of the school curriculum is central to promoting positive attitudes to lifelong learning but it represents a small part of an individual’s learning and experience throughout life. At Cotford St Luke Primary School, we believe that the curriculum includes all the experiences of a learner, both directed and undirected.
Our curriculum provides a rich range of experiences which respond to all aspects of an individual’s development. It values different facets of learning, including personal, social, spiritual, practical, physical, moral and cultural development as well as intellectual and academic development. Our curriculum is designed to progressively support the development of key knowledge and vocabulary. We plan carefully to ensure that links are made across subjects to ensure that pupils’ understanding of the content of the National Curriculum is secure, giving them an ever-increasing foundation upon which their further learning can be built.
Further details of the curriculum content for each class can be found in the Class Pages.