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Appreciate, Believe, Challenge.

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RE Curriculum Intent

​​​Cotford St Luke Primary School

Religious Education Statement of Intent​​​


At Cotford St Luke Primary School we believe that is vital that pupils learn from and about religious and non-religious views of the world, so that they can understand the world around them, becoming successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. In R.E. we aim to teach a variety of religions and beliefs fairly, accurately and with good subject knowledge, allowing our pupils to recognise similarities and differences within their daily lives. We aim to allow children to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and behaviour of their peers and the wider world community. Our pupils will learn about religions and beliefs in a respectful environment, encouraging pupils to ask questions and respond to ideas. Our teaching will reflect key historic and contemporary developments, and issues both globally and locally. We will be sensitive to religions and beliefs within our school environment and our local community.  

Our R.E. curriculum is designed to encourage empathy, creativity, imagination, enquiry, debate, discussion and independent thought. 



At Cotford St Luke Primary School, we use the agreed syllabus for Religious Education, ‘Somerset’s Awareness, Mystery and Values’, developed by Somerset SACRE.  

The following religions are studied over a rolling programme: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.  

We also cover the thoughts and ideas of Humanists within relevant units of study. 

We value the religious background of all our school community and encourage individuals to share their own experiences freely and without judgement. All religions and beliefs are treated with respect and sensitivity, and we value the links made between home, school and faith groups in our community. We are lucky to have strong links with the local church community at St Luke’s Centre and good support from local and national religious organisations to support our teaching.  



The children at Cotford St Luke Primary School enjoy learning about other religions and exploring why people choose their specific set of beliefs. Through their R.E. learning, children are able to make links between then own lives and those in their community and wider world. Children enjoy having the opportunity to ask and answers the challenging questions of life in a safe and supportive environment. We aim to develop a strong sense of self, identity and belonging to flourish within our school community and be responsible citizens. 


The R.E. Subject Leader currently teaches all the R.E. across the school and as a result is able to constantly and consistently monitor the extent to which pupils have understood concepts, developed skills and retained key knowledge. We are able to achieve this through discussions with pupils, observations in lessons and through reviewing the work and discussions children undertake in lessons. The Subject Leader assesses outcomes for pupils at the end of every unit of work so that areas for development can be identified to enhance future learning.  

