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Welcome to Cotford St Luke Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Achieve.

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Poplar Class


Class Teacher: Mrs Lofthouse 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Smith 

LSA: Mrs Wallace 


Welcome to Poplar Class 


I am delighted to join the school this year. Miss Smith, Mrs Wallace and myself are looking forward to us all having a fantastic year in Poplar Class.  


In Poplar class we will be enjoying a wide range of learning this year.  Each term we will explore a new learning quest. In autumn we will be looking at the Stone Age to the Iron Age and in science we will be studying rocks, soil and fossils.  


Throughout our learning, a growth mindset is encouraged and we will work hard to provide children with the tools to achieve success in their learning not only within the National Curriculum but also personally, socially and emotionally. 


As a school we aim to encourage the habit of reading and expect that children read at least three times per week at home. I would be very grateful if you could indicate in your child's reading record when they have done some reading (either on their own or to you) at home so I can award them their Dojo points. Year 3 will also have access to TT rockstars and Mathletics and I encourage using them when you have time at home. 


Please contact me if you want to know anything about what is going on in class. I am happy to help. 


We are looking forward to seeing Poplar Class aspire, believe and achieve this year. 


Class Information 


Daily – Please ensure children come to school daily with their reading record and a water bottle. Children can also bring in a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables to eat at break time.  


Class Dojo - I will use Class Dojo to provide regular updates on what we are up to in Poplar Class. It is also the easiest way to contact me if you need to and I will reply as soon as I can.  




ICT Skills


Please click here to find out more about what we teach in each subject.  The links at the bottom of the ‘Curriculum’ page will tell you all you could wish to know.
