Hazel Class
Class Teacher: Mrs. Hayes
Welcome to Hazel Class!
I am delighted to be teaching in Hazel Class again this year alongside Mrs. Hulbert and Mrs. Wallace. We are looking forward to a fantastic year with all of you.
In Hazel Class, we will enjoy a wide range of learning experiences, covering fascinating topics such as The Anglo-Saxons in history, Tectonics in geography, and Electricity in science. Each half term, we will embark on a new topic to explore. I will update you on Class Dojo when we begin our new learning adventures and share some of our learning at times throughout the term.
Throughout our learning, we encourage children to develop a growth mindset and work hard to provide children with the tools to achieve success not only within the National Curriculum but also personally, socially, and emotionally.
We are looking forward to seeing Hazel Class demonstrate our school values of Appreciate, Believe, and Challenge this year.
Reading and Home Learning
As a school, we aim to cultivate the habit of reading and expect that children read at least three times per week at home. Reading records are checked on a Thursday, please indicate in your child's reading record when they have read (either on their own or to you) so I can award them their Dojo points. For children who do not read at home or don’t bring in their reading records, we run a 5-minute catch-up session one break time a week.
Children will also have access to TT Rockstar, while this is not compulsory, I encourage you to support your child in using it at home to help build their fluency in times tables. Their logins will be stuck into their reading records. Children in Year 4 will have a national times tables check in the summer.
Class Information
Please ensure children come to school with their reading record and a water bottle. They can also bring in a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables to eat at break time.
Class Dojo
I will use Class Dojo to provide updates on what we are doing in Hazel Class and to send reminders or requests when necessary. You are welcome to send messages via Dojo, but please be aware that I do not have continual access and may not always see messages promptly. For urgent messages, such as changes in the collection of children after school, please contact the school office.
PE and Swimming
PE will be on Mondays and Tuesdays each week. Please ensure children come to school in appropriate PE kit, sessions may be held outdoors or indoors.
Swimming will run for 7 weeks this year during the Autumn term.
Please contact me if you have any questions about what is happening in class. I am always happy to help.
Find out more about what we are learning this year by reading our curriculum plans below. These will be updated each term.
Autumn Term Quest
Summer Term Quest
Please click here to find out more about what we teach in each subject. The links at the bottom of the ‘Curriculum’ page will tell you all you could wish to know.