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Welcome to Cotford St Luke Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Achieve.

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Hazel Class


Class Teacher: Mrs Hayes 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Maloney Grant


Our class of twenty-nine Year 3 and 4 children are ambitious learners who are keen to challenge themselves and achieve their goals. Each term we embark on a learning quest. In the Spring term, we shall be looking at the rivers locally and comparing them to the Nile. Following on from this, we will delve into the topic of Ancient Egyptians and we look forward to welcoming a specialist to immerse in a day of interactive workshops.


Throughout our learning, a growth mind-set is encouraged and we will work hard to provide children with the tools to achieve success in their learning not only within the National Curriculum but also personally, socially and emotionally. We look forward to supporting your child to aspire, believe and achieve this year! 


In the summer term, year 4s will be taking the statutory multiplication check. Children will each have TTRockstars login and any practice on this or any form of multiplication practice would be hugely beneficial. 


House keeping 



Year 3 ONLY swimming- We will travel to St Georges School where we have a morning of PE and a swimming lesson that will be taught by an experience swim coach called Mrs Ely. 

Year 4s will stay in school but will also have PE- they will get the chance to go swimming later in the year.  


PE will also be on a  Wednesday so could children please come in to school in PE kit on a Wednesday.  


Water - children will be encouraged to drink water to stay hydrated which aids levels of concentration - children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle, which they can keep at the back of the class. 


Snack - children can bring in a healthy snack (fruit, raw vegetables or similar) to eat at break time if they wish. THIS IS NO LONGER PROVIDED LIKE IN KS1 


Communication - if you would like to get in touch with me, the easiest way would be to send a message to Class Dojo and I will contact you as soon as I can.  


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 



Find out more about what we are learning this year by reading our curriculum plans below.  These will be updated each term.



Please click here to find out more about what we teach in each subject.  The links at the bottom of the ‘Curriculum’ page will tell you all you could wish to know.
