Latest News
OPAL Platinum Award
We are delighted to inform you that our school has recently been awarded the prestigious OPAL Platinum Award. This recognition is a testament to our ongoing commitment to providing high-quality outdoor play and learning experiences for our children. We would like to extend a special thank you to Mrs Odams for her dedication and hard work in driving this initiative forward.
Summer Fayre 2024
A huge thank you to everyone that came and supported the summer fete on Friday! We hope you all had fun.
An extra special thanks to all our amazing volunteers who made hampers, wrapped lucky dip prizes, bagged sweets, helped set up, ran stalls, baked cakes and many more….. without you it wouldn’t have been possible!
Also a big thanks to those that generously donated items to Raffles and tombola including The Chapel, Loaders Cider and Bishops Lydeard Co-op.
We raised a fantastic £1266.11 which will go towards funding the all weather outdoor learning area outside KS1 classrooms.
Thank you for continuing to support the PTA! We welcome your feedback and would love to hear your ideas.
Cotford St Luke PTA
Sports Day 2024
Thank you to everyone who made our Sports day such a great success. It was a wonderful event with great support from the crowd of enthusiastic spectators.
Thank you to the amazing students from UKS2 for organising so many different events in the morning.
Congratulations to all who took part - everyone tried their very best and competed with a smile on their face. Huge congratulations to BRENDON HOUSE for winning the Sports Day Trophy!
Our Library Area
Thanks to all of your incredible donations from our Sponsored Read and to the staff who all helped build furniture, sort books and organise spaces. We now have an incredible new library space with a dedicated working area and sensory area. We really hope this space is one that can be enjoyed by all of the children. A huge thank you again for all your donations!
Forest School
On Monday 29th April, we opened our doors to the public to showcase our new wildlife and Forest School area. We had such a great day and it was so lovely to see lots of the children engaged and involved in different activities, lots of which were organised by our Forest School Leader, Mr Ridout.
We are fortunate enough to be able to offer all children in our school, from Fledglings to Year 6, Forest School sessions throughout the year. These sessions are fun and practical and encourage children to learn through play in the natural environment. During these sessions the children will learn practical abilities such as building, making and using tools, foraging, cooking with fire and lots more!
House Captains - Summer Term 2024
We are delighted to announce that our House Captains for the Autumn Term have been elected and are as follows:-
Brendon House (green)
Saul and Lilly
Quantock House (red)
Jensen and Mya
Polden House (yellow)
Cody and Jessica
Blackdown House (blue)
Lucas and Nathan
Well done to you all!
Cotford St Luke Primary School Reads!
May Snapshot
April Snapshot
March Snapshot
February Snapshot
January Snapshot
Phonics Breakfast
On Tuesday 23rd January we hosted a successful Phonics Breakfast here at school. It was lovely to see children from across the school come in with their parents and take part in some Phonics activities alongside eating some yummy pastries and a hot drink.
OPAL stands for 'Outdoor Play and Learning' and is a big part of our school.
On 20th October, we held an OPAL day so that all the children could experience some OPAL activities and work together with different year groups on open ended outdoor activities, such as den building, making art from nature, playing problem solving games and some of the photos from this day and included below. We hope to hold an OPAL day every term as it was very successful. We were very grateful for all the donations you sent in.
Please let us know if you can help in any way and/or would like to join our OPAL team.
Students of all ages have been enjoying our OPAL play during the summer term. All over the field there are children making dens, digging for treasure, playing in the sand pit, enjoying the wilder areas and designing their own creative play. I was delighted to find a shady glade in which a smashing group had constructed their own theme park. They told me all about the safety features of each ride and had a great time demonstrating them. (As someone who feels ill on a roundabout, I am medically exempt from trying it out!)
I hope you enjoy the pictures,
Nick Gilding
Whole School Art Projects
We have received certification from the Somerset Wellbeing and Arts Framework for our commitment to developing wellbeing through whole school Art projects.
New Welly Store
Thank you very much to two of our parents, Mr Tennet and Mr Illy, for generously giving their time, skill and materials to build a fantastic new welly store. This will be a fantastic boost to our OPAL play ambitions. When wet, children need wellies to be able to access the field. However, we have struggled for storage space for the older children and this is a brilliant solution to the problem.
We are very grateful for the generous donation of £300 from local company, Low Carbon Exchange to cover the cost of materials.
Thank you very much!