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Welcome to Cotford St Luke Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Achieve.

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Welcome to Cotford St Luke PTA


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What does the PTA do for my child? Who are the PTA? What does PTA stand for? 


The PTA or 'Parent Teachers Association' is an organisation that is managed by parents and teachers. The PTA is put in place to bring the connection between home and school closer together. PTAs are best known for their fundraising works and socialising events too. These events provide opportunities for parents and staff to get together.  


At the majority of schools, all parents are automatically members of the PTA and are welcome to attend any of the meetings set up by the PTA. Most PTAs will hold an annual general meeting in September at the start of the school year. This meeting will be set up by the current committee who will elect for next years committee. There also should be members from each class who will be class representatives for the year. The job of the class representative is to pass on information from the PTA meetings to the other parents of the class. The PTA meets once ever half term which will equate to 6 per year. 


The PTA will raise money by holding different events throughout the year, such as school discos, bingo nights and Christmas and summer fairs. The money raised from these events will go towards fun things for the school such as computer equipment, playground games, school transport or smaller gifts such as presents from Father Christmas. 


There are many different ways in which you can join the PTA, whether you have a lot of time or not much time at all. Some of the roles that the PTA offer are time consuming, but there are other small jobs that you can be there for throughout the school year. 


Cotford St Luke PTA are always looking for new members to help them out with planning or adult supervision. If you would like any more information please contact the Chair via the contact form on the website. 


